How to create a domain IP with Namecheap

So you've just purchased a new domain from Namecheap, let's call it "", and now you want to connect it to your server IP to make it look like "". All you need to do is follow these steps:

  • Log into the Namecheap control panel
  • Navigate to the dashboard and select "Manage"
  • Click on "Advanced DNS"
  • Click on "ADD NEW RECORD" and insert the following details:
Type: A Record
Host: server
Value: your IP without port
TTL: 20 Min

  • Save your changes
  • Click on "ADD NEW RECORD" once again and configure it this way:
Type: SRV Record
Service: _minecraft
Priority: 0
Weight: 0
Port: your port
TTL: 20 Min

  • Save your changes
  • Wait a few minutes before testing your new IP

NOTE: sometimes it might take several hours for the Namecheap DNS to update, so please be patient if things are not working right away.
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