How to add a new Multicraft user

Adding a new Multicraft user will require the following steps:

  • Tell the user to create an account by going to the Multicraft login page and clicking on theĀ Register Here button
  • Log into Multicraft, click on Advanced and then on Users
  • Type the name of the new user and hit the Enter key
  • Assign roles and FTP access rights to the newly added user (see below)

Here are the most important roles:

- Can start servers, but can't stop or restart them
- Can view the console, but can't send commands
- Can use the panel chat

Super Moderator
- Can start, stop and restart servers
- Can view the console and send commands
- Can use the panel chat
- Can manage backups

- Can do anything you can do except access files and give permissions to other users

Note: moderators and super moderators cannot receive any file access permissions. Administrators can be granted file access privileges by editing the "FTP access" option (not suggested).

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