How to install your own version of Minecraft, Bukkit, Spigot or Paper

Our automatic installer comes with Minecraft/Bukkit/Spigot/Paper already included, so you can install them with just a few clicks. However, if you are looking to install a custom version, that's still an easy task:

  • Download the JAR file you wish to run on your server
  • Rename it to custom8.jar if you want to use Java 8, or custom16.jar for Java 16
  • Log into Multicraft
  • Navigate to the file manager (Files → File Manager)
  • Upload your JAR file into the jar directory
  • Select one of the custom options from the Multicraft's JAR Menu (according to the Java version you'd like to use)
  • Restart your server

Note: if you are downgrading to an older version, you might want to remove the existing world, as it probably won't be compatible with an older game version, thus crashing the server.

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